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How to Give Commands in Sinhala.

Updated: Jul 23, 2024

When you learn a language, it is vital to know about some simple commands in that language. And for Sinhala language, you will get to know the true beauty of it, once you start to know a bit deeper. So today we are going to study about some simple commands in Sinhala. Hope you will enjoy this.

To start off with, let’s take a very basic example. Food and water are very essential for our existence. When we ask someone to drink, we say ‘Bonna’ (බොන්න).

To ask someone to eat rice, we can say ‘Bath kanna’ (බත් කන්න).

Now let’s see some other examples.

If we wish to ask someone to sing a song, we can say ‘Sindhu Kiyanna’ (සින්දු කියන්න).

If we want someone to wash their face, we can say ‘Muhuna Sodanna’ (මුහුණ සෝදන්න).

Now we can assume that you could get a feeling that Sinhala seems to be easy to learn. That is quite true as well. We will continue with some other commands.

When we want to ask someone to jump, we can simply say ‘Paninna’ (පනින්න).

Guess someone has closed his eyes. And you want him to open his eyes. Then you can say ‘As Arinna’ (ඇස් අරින්න).

We have listed some more examples below.

Sit – ‘indaganna’ (ඉඳගන්න)

Draw a picture – ‘chithrayak adhinna’ (චිත්‍ර අදින්න)

Clap your hands – ‘athpodi gasanna’ (අත්පොඩි ගසන්න)

Raise your hands up – ‘ath ihalata osawanna’ (අත් ඉහළට ඔසවන්න)

Close your eyes – ‘as wahanna’ (ඇස් වහන්න)

Run fast – ‘Wegayen Duwanna’ (වේගයෙන් දුවන්න)

Look - 'balanna'

Dance - 'natanna'

Go - 'yanna'

Come here - 'meheta enna'

Jump up - 'uda paninna'

Give me that book - 'ara potha mata denna'

Read this - ' meaka kiyawanna'

Sit here - ' meathana inda ganna'

Tell him - 'eyata kiyanna'

Look at that - ' ara balanna'

We have given some very basic commands in Sinhala. Hope you all enjoyed it.

We thought of giving you some exercise. As we all know, practice makes a man perfect. We have listed some common commands below. Let’s see whether you are able to find the Sinhala words or phrases for that.

  1. Take the book.

  2. Get up from the chair.

  3. Stay quiet.

  4. Speak loud.

  5. Cut the vegetables.

  6. Drive slow.

  7. Clean the table.

  8. Write a letter.

  9. Play cricket.

  10. Throw the ball.

Try to do this exercise in your own. If you find it difficult to answer these, try to get help from a Sinhala speaking friend. Send us your answers via chat messages. We are eagerly waiting to see your responses and we will promptly respond back to you.

The best way to learn a language is to talk to someone in that language. The more you talk, the more you gain. So what we kindly urge you is that if you do have any Sinhala speaking friends, please do spend some time with them, speaking in Sinhala. It would enhance your language skills a lot.

And if you want to clarify anything regarding this, please do feel free to drop a chat message on the site. We will try our level best to respond back as soon as possible. We wish you good luck in learning Sinhala. At Araliya Academy, there are ample sources to learn Sinhala. Hope you will make the best out of it.

If you wnat to continue learning Sinhala, try our online live classes. Book a free session and see how our professional instructors can help you improve your sinhala language skills. book a free trial session here. We wish you good luck with your Sinhala Language learning journey.



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